CSR project
 We have seen in detail that children from kindergartens most find it difficult to accept that there is significant torque assist their lives, which can affect their learning and school knowledge.
Then the children take it as a daily routine, where every day in the same business.
 This is why it becomes monotonous for children, they also attend to the garden with low mood.
Our company has had a new idea for kids, where will motivate gay s participate in learning activities. Pretending so children attending the nursery with joy, for them to be fun and responsible, clearly having learned something new during the day, thereby generating acceptance for learning and improving the quality of life

Various recreational activities and learning, so that children are motivated to attend to the garden, they also understand the importance of education in their lives.

Specific objective:
Agility activities with educational games, to develop further their learning processes.
Organize recreational games to have a good time to exercise physically y6.
Encouraging children to participate in our activities and learning, so they can develop new skills and understand the importance of studies

The early education in the schools has become a space routine, boring little creative and inspiring children who come to her. Which causes disinterest in the development of the proposed activities and poor performance, creating an apparent loss of interest in the process. that is why the company has decided to implement gel spork your project, encouraging learning ¨ ¨, which is to conduct creative activities for children to develop their learning in a rich, making fun preschool space , responsible for encouraging a love of learning, thus improving the quality of life of children.

Frame of reference
History of the garden where you will develop a project called "encouraging learning" which aims to promote education in kindergartens.
On 2 February 2012, in the city of Bogota, Colombia was founded child education institution called my second home with the kindergarten program to offer recreational and creative space for children under 5. The project counseling based on the premise part of a training for life, health, and artistic awareness learning a great school, our goal is to develop every day but their school learning processes in children who attend this, with a large objective of achieving both as parents and as children are satisfied with the services we are providing, conducting workshops for recreation, creative learning where new knowledge and develop great training with ethical values
​​compared to society.
* Http/www.sedbogota.edu.co/archivos/temas20% strategic education.


Presentation of the members of the company. September 6, 2012
Play with hoops, mats and pimpones.
Minded educational games. 13
September 4
October 2012
Recreation activity.
Talk about the importance of education. 11
October 1
November 2012

 Historical Setting
History project supporters gel spork company called "encouraging learning," which aims to promote education in maternal gardens.

History of Education:
     According to Antonio Prada Cacua, is the interest in education has been a constant throughout Colombian history, ranging from ancient pre-Columbian times to its existence as an independent nation.
     This was given as if it were as much in the colonial era as in ancient times, has always been the need to preserve and transmit the knowledge acquired by the group, and the only way to survive the weather is through education, which preserve the survival of the society in question.
Arguably progressively advancing education due to changes in both political, economic and social conditions. An example of these changes can be seen clearly in the late eighteenth century, where they begin to germinate liberal ideas through the translation of human rights from French into Spanish by Antonio Nariño, and the propagation of these texts among the intellectuals of the time , concluding with Colombia's independence from the hands of General Simon Bolivar.
Similarly, with this brief account of the history of the independence of the country can come to perceive the importance of education for the individual human being as well as of being of a company, as well as comprehensive training level of the individual physical and cultural ethics, establishing a criterion able to question the actions of others.
This does not allow the generalization of human beings as a large mass in the service of a few, but instead ensure that people at the individual and group level should know that they can only be achieved through education, is the motor of the mind.
In this way we must understand that progress is not the same as upgrading since the latter is a social phenomenon linked to the development of capitalist society. What you want to point out here. is that if at this point in the history of Colombia people would have been more prepared to educational level, and in judgment, they would have to account for how countries with capitalist regimes managed to be first-country nationals, and had been a long process of economic development that the country had not even expected.

Kindergartens and nursery rooms

In Colombia kindergartens and nursery rooms municipal administration are born in an initiative by Mayor Raul Leiva policies framed by former President Bachelet seeking protection system enhance the whole child.
A joint meeting with the National Kindergartens are run by the local municipality that provides education for boys and girls of all people, especially the most vulnerable sectors, working mothers and heads of quality and equity model. Transportation is provided free education food and uniforms.

 Theoretical Framework
Theories that support the company's project spork gel called "encouraging learning."
Education, (Latin educere "pull, pull" or educare "train, instruct") can be defined as:
<! - [If! SupportLists] -> § <! - [Endif] -> The multidirectional process whereby knowledge is transmitted, values, customs and behaviors. Education not only occurs through the word, as it is present in all our actions, feelings and attitudes.
<! - [If! SupportLists] -> § <! - [Endif] -> The linking process and cultural awareness, moral and behavioral. Thus, through education, new generations assimilate and learn the knowledge, behavior, ways of being and ways of seeing the world of previous generations, and creates new ones.
<! - [If! SupportLists] -> § <! - [Endif] -> formal socialization process of individuals in a society.
<! - [If! SupportLists] -> § <! - [Endif] -> The education is shared between people through our ideas, culture, knowledge, etc. respecting others. This is not always in the classroom.
There are three types of education: formal, non-formal and informal. Formal education refers to the areas of schools, colleges, universities, modules, while the non-formal means courses, academies, and institutions, which are not governed by a particular course of studies, and informal education essentially that which is received in the social, it is education that is acquired gradually over a lifetime.
Basic education
Preschool, primary and secondary education is the formation stage in which individuals develop thinking skills and core competencies to promote systematic and continuous learning and dispositions and attitudes that govern their lives (values
​​education ). Getting all children, girls and adolescents in the country have the same or similar opportunities to pursue and successfully complete basic education, thereby bringing down the learning for each grade level, are key factors in sustaining development of the nation.
In basic education of good quality development of basic skills and learning achievement of students is the central purposes are goals which teachers, school and system direct their efforts.
Personal processes allow assessing individual construction of knowledge so that, in this perspective, are unimportant based learning superficial processing of information and those focused on information retrieval in the short term.
One of the most interesting definitions it is proposed by one of the greatest thinkers, Aristotle: "Education is to address the feelings of pleasure and pain to the ethical."
Also called education the result of this process, which is embodied in the set of skills, knowledge, attitudes and values
​​acquired, producing changes in social, intellectual, emotional, etc.. in person, depending on the degree of awareness, will be for life or for a specified period, becoming part of the memory in the latter case.
http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educaci% C3% B3n

Maternity homes

A MWH (HM) is an institution with easy access to a hospital or health center providing emergency obstetric care (EmOC). Women can stay at home mother at the end of her pregnancy and await labor. Once labor starts, women move to the health center to receive specialized care by trained professionals. The aim of the MWH is easy access and, therefore, reduce the morbidity and mortality of the mother and newborn should complications arise. Some studies report a favorable effect on the outcome of women and infants. Others indicate that the use is low and indicate the existence of barriers. However, these data are limited in reliability.
Maternity waiting facilities for improving maternal and neonatal outcomes in low-income countries
In many regions of the world, is still a high probability that women die from complications of pregnancy and childbirth. The major direct causes of maternal and perinatal death are unsafe abortion, eclampsia, hemorrhage, obstructed labor, infections and sepsis. Most of these deaths can be prevented by early diagnosis and early treatment of complications. Access barriers are the main causes of poor utilization of maternal health services and antenatal care in areas of high mortality.
A mother is a home accessible to a hospital or health center, which has trained professionals to provide prenatal care and emergency obstetric care. The MWH can also provide health education to women about pregnancy, childbirth and childcare. Especially should encourage women with high risk pregnancies or who live far away to stay in these institutions until the end of his embarazo.Existen differences between countries in terms of the magnitude and type of assistance received by women served in homes. An additional difficulty is that home delivery is cheaper, and that women may not be willing to leave their families who depend on them or their lands, which are their livelihood.
The authors could find no randomized controlled trials of individual or groups to evaluate the results of women using a maternity in low-income countries. It is clear that women who develop serious obstetric complication sobrevivir.La need appropriate attention to the effectiveness of maternity homes to reduce maternal deaths and stillbirths are generally described in six retrospective population cohort studies. It is likely that these studies describe women who were referred to maternity homes because of risk factors, compared with women who went to the hospital for other reasons. Control groups may have been self-selected by the disorder or the ability of women to make it to hospitals. No results were known deliveries of women who remained at home. There is insufficient evidence to make recommendations about the effectiveness of Maternity and well-controlled trials are needed.

Minister of Education introduced new pedagogical guidelines for children under 6 years.
In order to ensure that children under 6 receive a quality early childhood education, the Ministry of Education will implement special educational guidelines for this age and quality standards to be met, from now on, child development centers early (name disappears 'garden' and 'nursery') to provide this service.

Also, be trained 46,000 educators, between teachers and community mothers to put up these guidelines, so practice runs only prepare children for 'big school' or, conversely, that only they 'care' without any stimulus, being at this stage is vital to promote the integral development of infants.

There will also be a system of quality assurance that ensures small appropriate care and information system quality child development centers.

"We will identify those caring for these children today, what services they offer, whether they are legal institutions, and which do not meet requirements, so that we can assist them and watch them on a permanent basis to meet the quality standards we have defined, "said Claudia Gomez, assistant director of early childhood as the Ministry of National Education.

"We must break equity gaps that exist in the care of children under 6 years. We will reach them with nutrition services, health, education and good quality initial psychosocial support and generate in them development opportunities for your life, "he said, for his part, Education Minister Maria Fernanda Campo.

Therefore, the officer asked the mayors and governors include in their development plans, the issue of early childhood education, in order to ensure the efforts and resources for comprehensive care and quality of 1'200 000 children under 6 years during this term, as envisaged by the national strategy called "Zero to Forever '.

In the development of the strategy are also the Ministries of Health and Culture, the ICBF, the National Planning Department and the High Councils of Social Prosperity and Special Programs. The idea is to promote programs, plans and projects to ensure children's development from a rights perspective and with a different approach (indigenous, Afro Colombians).


Legal Framework
Laws that support the company's project spork gel, called ¨ ¨ encouraging learning, which involves creative activities in which children develop their learning process. Making preschool a fun space, and to encourage responsible enjoyment of learning.
"General Education Law 115"
  Section 1: Formal Education: Formal education is defined as that which is taught in educational establishments approved in school cycles, with curriculum guidelines, leading to degrees and diplomas.
Art.2: education: education is offered in order to supplement, update academic knowledge labor without system access levels and grades.
Art.3: Informal Education: Is all knowledge freely and spontaneously acquired from people, media, and other unstructured traditions.
Article 4: The public and private educational institutions, are required to comply with transverse pedagogical projects:
 • use of leisure time
• Teaching environmental protection
• Education for peace and will justicio
Article5: The Early Education organization shall have the following characteristics:
a) the kindergarten will attend to / as children / as from forty-five (45) days to two (2) years inclusive and kindergartens to / as children / as from three (3) Within five (5) years inclusive.
b) Depending on the characteristics of the context we find other organizational level for providing education for / as boys / girls aged forty-five (45) days and five (5) years, as multi-age rooms or puriscaras in rural or urban, gambling halls and other modalities that may settle, as established by the regulations of this law.
c) The number of sections, covering ages, longer hours and complementary health and nutrition, will be determined by the regulations, to meet the needs of the / as boys / girls and their families.
d) The certifications of compliance with mandatory early education in any of the organizational forms recognized and supervised by the education authorities, will be valid for enrollment in primary education.
ARTICLE 6: This law regulates the exercise of the right to teach and learn enshrined in Article 14 of the Constitution and international treaties incorporated into it, in accordance with the powers granted to the Congress of the Nation in Article 75, paragraphs 17 , 18 and 19, and in accordance with the principles set out therein and in this law are determined.

ARTICLE 7: Education and knowledge is a public good and personal and social rights, guaranteed by the State.
ARTICLE 8: The State guarantees the constitutional right to teach and learn. They are responsible for the educational activities the national state
ARTICLE 9: The State, have an obligation to provide universal education services for / as children / as of FOUR (4) years of age.

ARTICLE 10: To approve the educational experience "Kinder" incorporation of the room of two (2) years in the first cycle including early education (Nurseries) in kindergartens.
ARTICLE 11: To determine the Unitarian kindergartens that have met the needs of children including three (3), four (4) and five (5) years, with infrastructure available, students may enroll in two (2) years of age.
* Ministry of Education of Colombia (2009)
* Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1991, November 20)
* Constitution of Colombia (1991) proclaimed by Cesar Gaviria.

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